Grandmothers Lead UKwide Wave Direct Action against Fracking
Grandmothers Lead UKwide Wave Direct Action against Fracking
Articles Community Campaign United Kingdom Boycotts Interventions
A fascinating new exhibition celebrates the most unlikely protest objects ...
Articles Creative Resistance United Kingdom Power to the People Small Acts and Dispersions
Whether it's protests, petitions or simply how voting intentions changed. British people tell their stories of how they became anti-war
Thousands of people gathered on Guy Fawkes Day to "defend humanity "
Articles Protest Worldwide United Kingdom Evoking Attention Power to the People
Reverend Billy's singing activists dressed as extinct species demonstrated against irresponsible lending.
After being sexually abused, Ellie Cosgrave decided to express her feelings through dancing ...
Videos Creative Resistance United Kingdom Evoking Attention Small Acts and Dispersions
A school organises a campaign against stoning in Iran ...
Videos Protest Tips United Kingdom Communications Small Acts and Dispersions