Nazis against Nazis — Extremist rally turned into charity run

Banners and road markings tell the participants of a Nazi rally how much money they raised against themselves.

Videos Creative Resistance

Fighting Pakistan’s YouTube Ban, One Hug at a Time

The fight for freedom and knowledge by a group of concerned citizens

Articles Creative Resistance

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YouTube Censors Reverend Billy

7 Feb 2013 – YouTube deleted Reverend Billy´s Videos. This is his comment on it.

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A cross-media project on creative nonviolent tactics.

The Return of Dictator Ben Ali

The video shows an intervention by Engagement Citoyen: The Return of Ben Ali.

Videos Protest Worldwide

S. Popovic: Nonviolence Works Better

Srdja Popovic talking on why nonviolence is the only way to a stable democracy

Videos Creative Resistance

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›Da bleibt kein Auge trocken‹

11 Jun 2013 – – Eine Protestbewegung der Türkei mal anders: Mit viel Witz und Ironie gegen die Polizeigewalt!

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Gewaltsamer Polizeieinsatz bei Blockupy-Demo

‹Wieder in eigener Sache – Frankfurt, 8.Juni 2013› und ein Augenzeugenbericht von Wolfgang Burggraf

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Blockupy Frankfurt- Pfefferspray im Kessel

Blockupy-Proteste in Frankfurt: ›Banken müssen sich verantworten‹

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