Nazis against Nazis — Extremist rally turned into charity run

Banners and road markings tell the participants of a Nazi rally how much money they raised against themselves.

Videos Creative Resistance

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Women Against Islamism

A Femen protest in Paris, April 3, 2013.

Videos News

A cross-media project on creative nonviolent tactics.

S. Popovic: Nonviolence Works Better

Srdja Popovic talking on why nonviolence is the only way to a stable democracy

Videos Creative Resistance

„Everywhere Taksim, Everywhere Resistance!“

See Arnold Pöschl and Hans Hochstöger's portraits of young protestors from Gezi park

Images Protest Worldwide


With David Pope’s cartoon about the NSA’s surveillance programme Prism, we start our collection of great cartoons.

Images Protest Worldwide

The Power of Nonviolent Change: Argentina’s Mothers of the Disappeared

How mothers of disappeared Argentinians challenged the paralysis of fear

Articles Creative Resistance

Stop Hoping. Make it Happen.

Street Art

Collection of street art starting.

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„Everywhere Taksim, Everywhere Resistance!“

See Arnold Pöschl and Hans Hochstöger's portraits of young protestors from Gezi park

Images Protest Worldwide

Who was Badshah Khan?

Khan Abdul Ghaffar Khan came to be known, over his objections, as the “Frontier Gandhi.”

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