The Yes Men: Hiring Unwilling Actors (Spanish Version)

It is very likely that you will get support from actors - like the police - in your protest action if it is well organized.

Videos Creative Resistance

John Jackson: Celebrate Your Success! (Spanish Version)

How to build a broad movement

Videos Protest Tips

The Yes Men: Hiring Unwilling Actors

How to turn your nonviolent protest into a street theatre ...

Videos Protest Tips

5 overlooked activist victories in 2013

What overlooked 2013 activist victories are we overlooking?

Articles Blogger

Reverend Billy Faces a Year in Prison for JP Morgan Chase Toad Protest

Taking action against investors in greenhouse gas-emitting industries

Articles Creative Resistance

From Quebec to Spain: Anti-Protest Laws Threaten Democracy

Countries are creating laws to prevent people from expressing their discontent

Articles News

Hawaii’s Big Island bans GMO

Biotech companies kept away from the main Hawaii’s Island.

Articles News

How the Yes Men Avoid Going to Jail

Andy Bichelbaum tells us why we won´t be going to jail

Videos Protest Tips

Closing The Rail Lines

Everyday citizens make a difference by fighting local coal pollution ...

Articles Community Campaign

A Nation of Sheep? – Occupy Blackbox

13 Jun 2013 – Edward Snowden inspires a new generation of whistleblowers to turn the light on.

Articles News

Mobilize for Bangladeshi Workers!

Mass Funeral Procession to SoHo Retailers ...

Articles Protest Worldwide


With David Pope’s cartoon about the NSA’s surveillance programme Prism, we start our collection of great cartoons.

Images Protest Worldwide

Horizontal Organizing

Lisa Fithian ist eine US-amerikanische Aktivistin und Trainerin aus New York. Seit Mitte der 1970er-Jahre setzt sie sich für gewaltlose soziale Veränderungen ein.

Videos Creative Resistance

Wealth Inequality in America

Infographics on the distribution of wealth in America. The reality is often not what we think it is.

Videos Protest Worldwide


Watch an amazing Occupy Wall Street protest action in Citibank

Videos Protest Worldwide

Trailer for Our Movie “Everyday Rebellion”

The real Trailer for the upcoming movie about the “Everyday Rebellion”.

Videos Movie Trailer

Relaxing Revolution

Waging Nonviolence say: Be careful as activist about burning out!

Videos Creative Resistance Protest Worldwide

How to Mislead the Mainstream Media

The “Yes Men” perform anarchist and subversive activism. One of their creative methods is to mislead the mainstream media.

Videos Creative Resistance Protest Worldwide

Pamela Brown on Shame

Pamela Brown is member of the Occupy Student Cebt Campaign and explains how to overcome shame, use your rights and be part of the Strike Debt movement.

Videos Creative Resistance Protest Tips

John Jackson on how to Fight the Power

Another unconventional method to fight the power: It makes sense to be loyal to your enemies. Here’s why.

Videos Creative Resistance Protest Worldwide

Five Reasons to Get Naked (in Protest)

Nadine Bloch writes about nudity in protest and the different movements that use naked protest as a method of creative non-violent resistance worldwide, such as Femen. The article also focuses on the history of naked protest and was edited by our friends from Waging Nonviolence.

Articles Blogger

The Rioter Choreography

Monica Hunken and Amin Husain of "Occupy Wall Street" on how to choreograph actions in the street.

Videos Creative Resistance Protest Worldwide