
The Yes Men: Hiring Unwilling Actors (Spanish Version)

It is very likely that you will get support from actors - like the police - in your protest action if it is well organized.

Videos Creative Resistance

Ai Weiwei’s Flower Protest

NYTimes interview with Weiwei about his Flower Protest

Articles Creative Resistance

The Yes Men: Hiring Unwilling Actors

How to turn your nonviolent protest into a street theatre ...

Videos Protest Tips

Everyday Rebellion Videoblog: Kazz, Pioneer Of The Revolution

The Riahi Brothers meet Kazz, rapper from Jordan ...

Videos Protest Tips

The Sound Of Everyday Rebellion
(Urbs Von Karuan Remix)

Check out the new Remix of Everyday Rebellion - The Art of Dance ...

Articles News

John Jackson: How to Use Your National Anthem for Your Protest

John Jackson explains how to use your national anthem for your protest.

Videos Creative Resistance

Reverend Billy Faces a Year in Prison for JP Morgan Chase Toad Protest

Taking action against investors in greenhouse gas-emitting industries

Articles Creative Resistance

How the Yes Men Avoid Going to Jail

Andy Bichelbaum tells us why we won´t be going to jail

Videos Protest Tips

Musicians to Free Pussy Riot Members

More than 100 musicians from around the world have signed an open letter urging the Russian authorities to release the jailed members of Pussy Riot.

Articles Community Campaign

Lexxus Légal on Musician’s Power

›Musician´s power and the art of peace‹

Videos Creative Resistance

Lexxus Légal (CGO) über die Macht der Musik

›Die Macht der Musiker über die Kunst des Friedens‹

Videos Creative Resistance

Gorilla Action, Renovating Against Rising Rents*

Different artists gathered to renovate an appartment, which had been declared "uninhabitable" to make way for new expensive housing.

Videos Protest Worldwide

Non violent arabe hip-hop

Amer Al-Taher est un rappeur jordanien et se bat pour obtenir le changement au sein du gouvernement, par le biais d’initiatives créatives et non-violentes.

Videos Le Monde Arabe Protest Tips

Nonviolent Arab Hip Hop

Amer Al-Taher is a Jordanian rapper who bravely seeks out change in government through creative and non-violent means.

Videos Le Monde Arabe Protest Tips

Singing Protestors on Police Bus

Arrested protesters

Videos Protest Worldwide

Gewaltloser Arabischer Hip Hop

Als ›one man crew‹ reimt der jordanische Rapper aus Amman in pazifistischen Versen für eine gewaltfreie Revolution.

Videos Le Monde Arabe Protest Tips

flo6x8: Flamenco Flash Mob

Flamenco Flash Mob by flo6x8 inside a bank in Sevilla, Spain, to protest against the financial system.

Videos Protest Worldwide