
›Hands‹ is a project developed in 2013 of Octavi Serra, Mateu Targa, Daniel Llugany and Pau Garcia.

Videos Protest Worldwide


Watch an amazing Occupy Wall Street protest action in Citibank

Videos Protest Worldwide

Inna Shevchenko at SciencesPo University

Inna Shevchenko from Femen at SciencesPo University

Videos Portraits

Nudity Against Mursi’s Constitution

Aliaa Elmahdy & Femen protesting against Egyptian constitution by Mursi

Videos Blogger

Paris Flash Mob

Watch an extraordinary Flashmob organized in support of the nonviolent green movement against the Iranian Regime.

Videos Protest Worldwide

Silent Protest Rasht

Silent protest as a nonviolent method of protest action took place in Rasht in February 2009

Videos Protest Worldwide

Singing Protestors on Police Bus

Arrested protesters

Videos Protest Worldwide