
Waging Nonviolence: People Powered News and Analysis

The onlince source reports on people-powered struggles for justice and peace around the globe

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India’s Gulabi Gang – A Community Effort for All

We need local movements, not more expensive NGOs — India’s Gulabi Gang

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Marco Godoy – The Power of People

Marco Godoy is looking for new ways and actions to confront power ...

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Meet “Crisis Creator” Lisa Fithian

“When people ask me, ‘What do you do?’ I say I create crisis, because crisis is that edge where change is possible.”

Articles Portraits

Génération Révolution: Jumana Mustafa

Poète palestino-jordanienne, Jumana Mustafa, milite pour les droits de l’homme et la liberté d’opinion, et se bat pour la démocratie en Jordanie.

Videos Le Monde Arabe Protest Tips

Generation Revolution: Jumana Mustafa

Jumana Mustafa is a Palestinian and Jordan poet and fights for human rights, freedom of opinion and for a democratic Jordan.

Videos Le Monde Arabe Protest Tips


WARSHEH est une agence de design et de branding et loin de s’inspirer uniquement de thèmes politiques.

Videos Le Monde Arabe

Non violent arabe hip-hop

Amer Al-Taher est un rappeur jordanien et se bat pour obtenir le changement au sein du gouvernement, par le biais d’initiatives créatives et non-violentes.

Videos Le Monde Arabe Protest Tips

Nonviolent Arab Hip Hop

Amer Al-Taher is a Jordanian rapper who bravely seeks out change in government through creative and non-violent means.

Videos Le Monde Arabe Protest Tips


Warsheh is a graphic design and branding agency based in Amman who deal with political and social topics in their works.

Videos Le Monde Arabe

The Power of Laughtivism

Check out Srdja Popovics TEDx speech!

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Inna Shevchenko at SciencesPo University

Inna Shevchenko from Femen at SciencesPo University

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Gewaltloser Arabischer Hip Hop

Als ›one man crew‹ reimt der jordanische Rapper aus Amman in pazifistischen Versen für eine gewaltfreie Revolution.

Videos Le Monde Arabe Protest Tips

OTPOR Artists on Revolution Design

Nenad Duda Petrović designed the powerful, internationally known logos for the Serbian resistance groups “Otpor!” and CANVAS.

Videos Creative Resistance Protest Tips

Pamela Brown on Shame

Pamela Brown is member of the Occupy Student Cebt Campaign and explains how to overcome shame, use your rights and be part of the Strike Debt movement.

Videos Creative Resistance Protest Tips

Interview with Afef Abrougui

In this Global Voices interview, the Tunisian blogger and activist gives insight into the developments in Tunisia.

Videos Blogger

Israel and Iran—A Love Story?

Ronny Edry of Israel accidentally created an online movement for peace in the Middle East when he posted a Facebook image.

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We Love You — Iran and Israel

Ronny Edry calls for understanding between Israel and Iran.

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