
The Yes Men: Hiring Unwilling Actors (Spanish Version)

It is very likely that you will get support from actors - like the police - in your protest action if it is well organized.

Videos Creative Resistance

Ai Weiwei’s Flower Protest

NYTimes interview with Weiwei about his Flower Protest

Articles Creative Resistance

Tools of Protest: Disobedient Objects

A fascinating new exhibition celebrates the most unlikely protest objects ...

Articles Creative Resistance

The Yes Men: Hiring Unwilling Actors

How to turn your nonviolent protest into a street theatre ...

Videos Protest Tips

Everyday Rebellion Videoblog: Street Theatre in Amman, Jordan

Taking the street as their stage - The Street Theatre Group "Masrah Al Sharaa" about non-violent criticism ...

Videos Protest Tips

„Everywhere Taksim, Everywhere Resistance!“

See Arnold Pöschl and Hans Hochstöger's portraits of young protestors from Gezi park

Images Protest Worldwide

Art for Freedom

A platform where anyone is free to express their idea of freedom...

Articles Community Campaign


With David Pope’s cartoon about the NSA’s surveillance programme Prism, we start our collection of great cartoons.

Images Protest Worldwide

Womens Rights Graffitis in Taliban Territory

A video portrait of Malina Suliman, a female graffiti artist working in Taliban territory.

Articles Protest Worldwide

Gewaltloser Arabischer Hip Hop

Als ›one man crew‹ reimt der jordanische Rapper aus Amman in pazifistischen Versen für eine gewaltfreie Revolution.

Videos Le Monde Arabe Protest Tips

Poesie und Rebellion: Jumana Mustafa

Jumana Mustafa gehört der Generation Revolution an.

Videos Le Monde Arabe

Peruvian Feminist Art

Women Working for Women. The tribute is about María María Acha-Kutscher who was born in Peru in 1968 and has a triple role as an activist, feminist, and visual artist.

Articles Blogger

Israel and Iran—A Love Story?

Ronny Edry of Israel accidentally created an online movement for peace in the Middle East when he posted a Facebook image.

Videos Portraits

We Love You — Iran and Israel

Ronny Edry calls for understanding between Israel and Iran.

Videos Portraits

Send Us Your Everyday Rebellion Symbols

What does Everyday Rebellion mean to you? What comes to your mind, how does it look? Send us your art, symbols, visuals or logos.

Images Community Campaign