Think About Your Strategy!
Think About Your Strategy!
Videos Creative Resistance Srdja Popovic Transferring Skills
Srdja Popovic's next tip on nonviolent struggle is about the importance of skills and conditions
Videos Creative Resistance Srdja Popovic Transferring Skills
Watch the new trailer of Everyday Rebellion - the movie! (german/deutsch)
Videos Movie Trailer 15-M Amin Husain CANVAS Femen John Jackson Lisa Fithian Monica Hunken Occupy Otpor! Reverend Billy Srdja Popovic The Yes Men
Watch the new trailer of Everyday Rebellion - the movie!
Videos Movie Trailer 15-M Aliaa Elmahdy Amin Husain Andy Bichlbaum CANVAS Femen John Jackson Lisa Fithian Mike Bonnano Minica Hunken Occupy Otpor! Srdja Popovic The Church of Stop Shopping The Yes Men
How to build a broad movement
Andy Bichelbaum tells us why we won´t be going to jail
Videos Protest Tips Andy Bichlbaum Mike Bonnano The Yes Men USA Rejecting Obedience
Learn about the importance of making your movement in!
Videos Creative Resistance Srdja Popovic Transferring Skills
Which role does leadership play in nonviolent struggles?
S. Popovic talks about three principles of nonviolent struggle leading to success.
Videos Creative Resistance Srdja Popovic Transferring Skills
Things you must know, if you build a strategy for nonviolent struggle ...
Videos Creative Resistance Srdja Popovic Transferring Skills
Srdja Popovic gives tips about how to avoid violence during your movement.
Srdja Popovic explains how we can manage to bridge a social distance.
Videos Creative Resistance Srdja Popovic Power to the People Transferring Skills
Srdja Popovic talks about the importance of a common culture for an efficient movement
Videos Creative Resistance Srdja Popovic Power to the People Transferring Skills
Think about how to create a response dilemma for your opponent.
Think about how using different triggers in achieveing the social change.
Videos Protest Tips CANVAS Srdja Popovic Domestic Governmental Actions
Watch the first educational FEMEN video and be better prepared if you want to make an action in FEMEN style!
Videos Downloads Femen France Evoking Attention Small Acts and Dispersions
Anaïs & María are members of the Movimiento 15-M. They talk about some of their most important tactics.
Paolo Pistolesi is a member of the Movimiento 15-M and is primarily responsible for the commission "Audiovisión".
Armed with costumes and fake bank notes young Parisians are hitting the city´s real estate scene in a humorous way.
Carlos Ernesto Mondada Banda is member of the "Vivienda" commission and the work group "Ocupación" of the Movement 15-M.
›Musician´s power and the art of peace‹
Videos Creative Resistance Lexxus Légal Congo (Republic of the) France
›It´s time to speak up!‹
›Ich habe die Freiheit meine Prioritäten selbst zu bestimmen!‹
›Die Macht der Musiker über die Kunst des Friedens‹
Die sternförmigen Protestmärsche der Empörten.
Videos Creative Resistance 15-M Spain Processions Small Acts and Dispersions
Srdja Popovic about communications in nonviolent protest forms
Videos Creative Resistance Protest Worldwide CANVAS Srdja Popovic Communications
"Obedience... try to break the habit!"
Videos Creative Resistance Protest Worldwide CANVAS Otpor! Srdja Popovic Serbia Actions by Business Owners Mocking Rejecting Obedience
"Humor is the key to success against your oppressors!"
Videos Creative Resistance CANVAS Otpor! Srdja Popovic Austria Serbia Humor and Laughtivism Mocking
Poète palestino-jordanienne, Jumana Mustafa, milite pour les droits de l’homme et la liberté d’opinion, et se bat pour la démocratie en Jordanie.
Videos Le Monde Arabe Protest Tips Jumana Mustafa Jordan Palestine